Objectives of the Baby Oprah Foundation

The Objectives of The Baby Oprah Foundation

The objectives for which the foundation is established are:

  1. To educate and improve the social conditions of children and adults who are impoverished or who suffers from a disability; throughout Jamaica through the collection and distribution of food, clothing and money on their behalf and to utilize same and any other means which will further the purpose.
  2. To assist children and adults who suffers from a disability or who are impoverished with the acquisition of books, computers, musical instruments, educational materials, sporting gears and equipment for schools and learning institutions in Jamaica.

The Powers of The Foundation

The Association shall have the following powers, inter alia, which shall be exercised solely in the furtherance of such of the objects of the company as are charitable or religious:

To import food, clothing, shoes and any equipment or technological devices for the benefit of the foundation which includes providing for schools, hospitals, homes for the elderly, or any other charitable institutions necessary to further the company’s objectives.

To manage and organize fundraising events both locally and internationally for the support of the objectives described above.

To solicit, accept and use contributions of funds and other property that are acquired, both locally and internationally for the support of the objectives described above.

To contribute to any televised programmes whose objective is to bring awareness, or to assist with children or adults who are disabled or impoverished. Programmes such as: Ray of Hope, Inspire Jamaica….etc.

To liaise, collaborate with or to conduct exchange programmes with local and international bodies, organizations or institutions having similar or compatible interests described in the objectives set out above.

To acquire, hold, purchase, receive, lease, exchange, posses, hires or otherwise whatsoever in fee simple, for leasehold or for any other estate or interest therein, and all other property real, personal or mixed.

To grant, sell, lease, let, charge, improve, manage, develop, assign, dispose of, turn to account, or otherwise deal with all or any of the company’s properties, both present and future so held or vested or any part thereof.

To borrow or raise or secure the payment of the money in such manner as the company may think fit and in particular to mortgage or charge all or any part of the properties and rights of the company and to borrow or secure the payment of money by the issue of securities, (both present and future) held by or vested in the company and to redeem and pay off such securities.

To appoint an attorney or attorneys for such time and purpose and with such power as may be stated in the instrument of appointment and to revoke any such appointed.

To appoint such officers and servants as the company may deem fit for carrying out its objects (including honorary officers) and to define their duties and fix the amount of their emolument or compensation, if any.

To make any gift of property, whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more of the objects of the company and to accept donations (whether real or personal estate) and devises and requests for all or any of the purpose aforesaid.

To conduct, maintain and alter any houses, building or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the company, including provisions for schools, hospitals, homes for the elderly, or any other charitable institutions necessary for the attainment of the company’s objectives.

To invest any moneys of the company that is not immediately required for any of its objects in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the board of directors.

To undertake and execute any trust or other duties which are conducive to any of the objects of the company.

To amalgamate with any companies, institutions, societies or associations having objects altogether similar to those of this company and to purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the property, whether real or personal assets.

To pay all costs, charges and expenses incurred or sustained in or about the promotion and establishment of the company, or which are in the nature of preliminary expenses including therein, the cost of building and hosting a website for the company, printing, stationery and expenses incurred upon the formation of agencies, sub-committees and branches.